A collection of rare and beautiful plants, inside the crater of an extinct volcano.
Close to Paris, the castle and its garden are an oasis for anyone looking to relax and take a walk on the alleys.
A Californian mansion, that was under construction continuously for 38 years, and is reported to be haunted.
The best known acropolis in the world, right in the center of Athens.
The official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch.
The most famous of all Alpine passes, at an altitude of 2,108 meters (6,917 feet) above sea level.
Visit the ruins of a medieval castle, situated on a cliff top in a stunning setting.
One of the most important Renaissance castles in Northern Europe, part of UNESCO World Heritage since the year 2000.
A symbol of London and one of the most recognizable bridges in the world.
Situated in the Scottish Highlands, this Victorian castle is one of the Queen's of England private residences.
An outstanding 189 room castle in Scotland, home to the dukes of Sutherland for more than 800 years.
A major attraction in Scotland, an extraordinary palace, with a rich history.
A great destination in Scotland, one of the country's most visited attractions.
The second largest barrier reef in the world, a place where you can observe nature at its best, but unfortunately threatened to disappear.
An International Biosphere Reserve, a World Heritage Site, and a Wetland of International Importance.
During the wet season, Tonle Sap river becomes the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. This is a sight to see.