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Highlights / General details

The DC The Lights Tour is the most popular and highest rated Washington DC night tour. It hits all of the major attractions in DC, but you get to see them lit up at night. Washington DC is one of the most beautiful cities in the world at night. Just like our other tours, your tour guide will hop off with you at each attraction in DC. That’s just one of the things that makes OnBoard Tours so much better than our competition. We highly recommend that you add a DC The Lights Tour to your DC It All or DC The Best Tour to get the full effect of Washington, DC.


Guided Tour.



Hours of operation

Nightly at 7:30 pm. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to departure.


Approximately 3 hours.


Departs from the White House Gifts on 15th Street and New York Avenue N.W. in Washington D.C.

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Contact & location

1100 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington District of Columbia 20004, Washington, District of Columbia, USA


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