Welcome to Jerusalem
photo by Or Hiltch

1 Review

Isaiah Maldonado
Isaiah Maldonado

on Nov 18,2010

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Imagine a nation that has been through thousands of years of both spiritual and physical conflicts through out its time. Israel, the Holy land to some of the major religions in World. The Christains, Muslums, Jews all see this city as a becon of hope and faith. This city has influnced and helped create the major religions known today. Science and Biblical refrences have different opionions on the City. Like when it was first created and inhabited by ancient peoples. Scients believe through studies that the city was created around the 4th millenuim a long time before Moses led the Isrealits to the city. Archological studies have been made many times on the city for its ancient history and culture of the people back then. The spiritual wars that jerusalum has hosted were very bloody unstable front. When it when Isreal was first united by King David and constint war with there neighbors. After Jesus was born in Jerusalum new religions were created and they saw this city as the holy land and a very spiritualy place. This became an issue with two of the major religions of the time, Christains, and Muslums. At the time the Muslums controled the nation, but the Christains weren't treated fairly and had to pay higher taxes. Then the Holy war began, The Crusades. Many battles were faught in the Crusades and control of the city interchanged until the last war the Muslums finally took complete control of the City. Today Jerusalm is still a Holy place and is also a torrist attaction for many people across the globe. The religion in Israel is the major ones in the world, Christains, Muslums and Jews. Outside of the old city is more modern stuctures and buildings. Isreal today is a united nation and has currently finished its war with Egypt and is now having some trouble in the realtions with the U.S. This website has really helped me learn about the history and the culture of Israel. Many of the historical facts are very interesting and I had leanred more on the Economy, Modernization and Major realigions in Isreal.

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