The worlds largest one drop fall
photo by Soren Riise

4 Reviews

Omar Olzaman Nahar
Omar Olzaman Nahar

on Aug 25,2012

I liked

The Majestic Kaieteur nature's best.The name of the Falls commemorates Chief Kai, one of the distinguished chieftains (known also as Toshaos) of the once powerful Patamona tribe. He committed self-sacrifice by canoeing over the falls in order that Makonaima, the Great Spirit, would be appeased and to save his tribe from being destroyed by a raiding party of Caribs. "Teur" translates as "falls" hence the name Kaieteur. Folklore has it that the old man and his "wood skin" canoe were turned to stone and now form part of the rocks of Kaieteur. Perhaps he won appeasement, for his name still marks the magical curtain of water known as Kaieteur.

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Omar Olzaman Nahar
Omar Olzaman Nahar

on Aug 12,2012

I liked

Guyana's best the name of this spectacular fall is Kaieteur and the legend of an Indian chief sho sailed oved the fall so his people would have food in the years to come and his name was Kai and ithe word eteur means waterfall in Native Guyanese language so please say Kaieteur and not "Kaieteur Falls"

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Omar Olzaman Nahar
Omar Olzaman Nahar

on Aug 04,2012

I liked

This is a must to see before you die well hidden and well kept for old Kai.

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Omar Olzaman Nahar
Omar Olzaman Nahar

on Jul 16,2012

I liked

A spectular sight

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